
Thursday, January 5, 2017

New Jupiter's Moon's Position Calculator

Last December we introduced in the almanack a chart showing the positions of Jupiter's moons over the span of the entire month.  Well now we have on the website a chart that shows the exact configuration of the moons for the current time.  If you reload the page, you see the moon positions change slightly.  I hope this will be a useful tool for all almanack readers.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Comet 45/P Observations

For any who may have not seen it yet, comet 45/P has been in the early evening sky for a while now.  It could possibly be seen with the unaided eye, though this requires clear, haze-free horizons, something all to rare in the winter.  It can be seen with something as small as a 6X15 monocular.  It displayed a slightly elongated, slightly greenish smudge.  But the night on which I observed the comet  was one of poor transparency.  In February ,the comet will enter the morning sky.  More posts on that later.