
Thursday, February 9, 2017

Comet 45/P back!

Last December, I wrote about the comet 45/P.  Well, it's back!  It's now getting high up in the morning sky, charts below.  It should be an easy grab in binoculars.

The chart at the left shows where the comet will be in relation to the rest of the sky.  The Moon will be bright, so you probably won't see it with your unaided eye.  Scan the area on the map with binoculars. The chart positions are for 3:00 AM, 15th.  Just keep in mind the sky will have shifted 15 degrees in one hour.  The comet should appear much as it did last December: A faint grey-green fuzz ball.

1 comment:

  1. I highly recommend that telescope users look at this comet. You can see it moving in real time!

    Observation made Feb. 12, 2017
